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CargoXML Mapping

Mapping CXML messages with ONE Record


We dedicate this section to the mapping between CXML messages (as per the last version on CXMl Toolkit Edition 12) and ONE Record standard (as per last version endorsed by COTB - Data Model 3.0.0)


The transition from EDI to Data Sharing is highly dependent on the mapping between messages and ONE Record. Messaging standards (Cargo IMP and then Cargo XML) have been used extensively for the past decades by the industry. However messages in their current form have shown to be limited in terms of scalability with regards to upcoming regulations such as ACI/PLACI regimes.

In the mapping between CXML messages and ONE Record, two main aspects need to be considered:

  • Mechanism: Some guidelines are usually required to understand how a message can be converted to ONE Record and vice versa. Some use cases and business rules cannot be directly translated as we need to consider a shift of mindset between EDI and Data sharing as well as a transition to Piece level tracking that ONE Record allows.
  • Data field mapping: A direct mapping between CXML fields and ONE Record data model is inevitable, it goes with the Mechanism part to properly understand what objects are impacted.

Messages selected

As CIMP standard has been sunset since 31st December 2024, we focus on CXML messages in their latest version (currently CXML Toolkit Edition 12) The selected messages for mapping are the following:

Message Message name Message version Comments
XFWB XML Waybill Message Download here 5.00 1st version
XFZB XML HouseWaybill Message Download here 4.00 1st version
XFHL XML House Manifest Message Download here 3.00 1st version
XSDG XML Shippers' Declaration for Dangerous Goods Message 6.00 To be assessed
XFSU XML Status Message 6.00 Ongoing
XFFM XML Flight Manifest Message 4.00 Ongoing
XFBL XML Freight Booked List Message 3.00 Ongoing
XTMV XML Transport Movement Message 2.00 To be assessed

General conversion guidelines

Note on data types and patterns

Data elements as defined in CIMP and CXML have:

  • Length recommendations usually based on business rules such as the Waybill number
  • Limited data types based on business rules or common sense

When CXML was created, most restrictions were inherited from CIMP even though XML format allows to bypass technical limitations of CIMP, especially in number of occurences, field lengths or allowed characters.

When first versions of ONE Record data model were created, restrictions coming from business rules were usually adapted in ONE Record using the pattern in the ontology.

General guidelines

  • 01 - Business rules and local regulatory requirements prevail over data properties technical restrictions (data length, pattern) expressed in the ontology if relevant.
  • 02 - When converting from ONE Record to CXML the general rule is to truncate data to fit CXML length restrictions. In CXML to CIMP conversion, the rules is expressed in CXML toolkit.
  • 03 - In ONE Record there is no restrictions regarding the number of decimals that can be used (E.g. for Weight). When there is such a restriction with CXML (business recommendation or technical restriction) it is common practice to round up number to the nearer decimal allowed. From an operation perspective it also makes no sense to have data with too many decimals, e.g. a weight with more than 4 decimals.
  • 04 - In ONE Record we try to avoid duplicate data as much as possible, especially totals are usually not in ONE Record data model if all detailed data are already available. This applies for instance for the total or summary values of charges.

XFWB Mapping

Proposed mechanism

XFWB data fields are mostly a mix of Waybill, WaybillLineItem, Shipment, Pieces and TransportMovement data in ONE Record realm.

Usage of WaybillLineItem object

The WaybillLineItem object was introduced to properly share rate data as required in the Air Waybill. The WaybillLineItem has a n-to-1 relationship with a Waybill object and represents the different line items on the paper waybill with all their specifities based on the type of rating used. In order to stick to reality as much as possible, some data at line item level are taken from Pieces and LoadingUnits directly (dimensions, volume, ...). The WaybillLineItem object itself shall only contain rate specific data.

It is important to note that the WaybillLineItem has been added only in the context of sharing Air Waybill data. When looking at Operations, digital twins shall be used (Piece, Item, Product, etc.)

TransportMovement information

XFWB movement and routing details are mapped to TransportMovement objects. The proper linkage, starting from the Waybill is to to go through the Booking object which refers to the contractual engagements between a carrier and the freight forwarder. The various TransportMovement(s) planned for the transportation of the goods need to be linked to the Booking as an ActivitySequence.

Usage of OtherCharge object

The OtherCharge object is used to record all charges, it refers to <ram:ApplicableLogisticsAllowanceCharge> grouping in XFWB message. Code List 1.2 "Other Charge Code" is used to properly identify the charges associated with the Prepaid/Collect indicator.

Totals are not directly recorded in ONE Record as they can be directly calculated based on the existing data (e.g. filtering by type of charge and prepaid/collect indicator).

Other specific mapping guidelines

  • DensityGroupCode field will be linked to Distribution phase as the feedback received from the industry shows that it's not an operational data but used for the Sales & Booking process part. It is then found on the BookingShipment object if required.

  • Special Service Request and Other Shipping Instructions code fields are not in ONE Record as there is no evidence of an actual referential and standard used for those. Moreover it seems stakeholders use SSR or OSI for the same purposes. Thus we have merged into textualHandlingInstructions property in ONE Record.

  • In the ApplicableRating grouping, the TypeCode field is set to F (Facial) by default as it is the only value used with CXML.

  • In the ApplicalbeFreightRateServiceCharge grouping, the AppliedAmount is not directly mapped as it is a total that needs to be derived from either the Rate or the multiplication of Rate and Chargeable weight depending on the type of charge. Refer to CSC Resolution 600a for further explanations.

XFZB Mapping

In its essence, XFZB is very similar to XFWB. Waybill object is the main focus and many details are from the Shipment(s) linked to it as well as the TransportMovement.

The major distinction in the Waybill object for XFZB is the usage of Waybill#waybillType = House.

Another major distinction with XFWB is that for the time being we recommend a mapping of the TransportMovement through the Loading action with a Planned or Scheduled state. Since the Booking object has been mainly designed for the Carrier to Freight Forwarder contractual agreement, there is no specific LogisticsService reflecting the House Waybill contractual agreement yet.

XFHL Mapping

XFHL message is used to communicate the list of House Waybills associated to a Master Waybill. This message is not focused on details at House level, only high level information is shared.

Proposed mechanism

The starting point is a Master Waybill and we are interested in all the House Waybill(s) linked to the Master via the Waybill#houseWaybills object property.


XSDG Mapping

XSDG specifications, aligned with the Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD) requirements have been integrated into ONE Record, the details can be found on the Data Model section, under "Dangerous Goods".

The need for a proper XDSG mapping still needs to be assessed.

XFSU Mapping

Proposed mechanism

XFSU message is used to provide a Shipment Status update, discrepancy details or sometimes to provide complementary Customs information. In most cases, the Status updates is based on the usage of LogisticsEvents on the Shipment and/or the Pieces. The XFSU data fields are then a mix of Waybill, Shipment, Pieces and LogisticsEvent data in ONE Record realm.

In case of full shipment status update, the LogisticsEvents can be added on the Shipment or on all the Pieces. Both scenarios are valid.

Specific case of split shipment: With messaging standard, it is possible to transmit status update on a split shipment without the need to identify properly the pieces impacted. In this case the data transmitted can only be kept at Shipment level, however this pratice is contradictory with the piece level management design principle of ONE Record. To cope with that there are multiple possibilities to map XFSU with ONE Record, depending on stakeholder's capabilities on the operations side to identify impacted pieces of a shipment.

  • If pieces cannot be properly identified, recommendation would be to use LogisticsEvent on the Shipment, using the LogisticsEvent#partialEventIndicator to notify it applies to a split shipment. In this scenario it becomes complicated to provide the right level of information at the "AssociatedStatusConsignment" level as per the XFSU schema.
  • If pieces can be properly identified, it is recommended to use LogisticsEvent on the identified Pieces. The LogisticsEvent#partialEventIndicator can be used to notify it applies only to selected pieces and not to the whole shipment but all details at "AssociatedStatusConsignment" level are at Piece level in ONE Record realm.

The mapping of XFSU message still needs to be fine tuned to take into account multiple scenarios.

XFFM Mapping

The Flight Manifest represents an essential set of data that is today either a Paper document or a message (FFM or XFFM). It contains the details of cargo that is transported.

ONE Record by essence contains all the required data, Flight details, Piece and ULD details and so on.

Multi-destination usecases will require the aggregation of data starting form multiple TransportMovement objects if required for the generation of an XFFM equivalent.

Proposed mechanism

The starting point of the manifest is the flight, or the TransportMovement in ONE Record. The Manifest requires information from Piece, ULD, Shipment and Waybill objects mainly.

Piece details are central and from the TransportMovement there are two possiblities:

  • ULDs are used: ULD objects is linked to the TransportMovement via a Loading action. Then the ULD is loaded with Pieces, the linkage is made through the UnitComposition activity and the respective Composing action.
  • Cargo is bulk (BLK): Piece objects are directly linked to the TransportMovement via a Loading action.

In the end, Shipment and Waybill accessed via the Piece objects.


XFBL Mapping

Definition from CXML toolkit

To supply a complete list of consignments for which space has been reserved in a particular flight, including details of the agent/airline from which the consignments will be received and, if known, inward flight details as well.

When a carrier is controlling his own flight but the physical handling of consignments is carried out by a handling party (agent/airline), the former will issue an XFBL message to the latter to provide him with a complete list of consignments for which space has been booked and any other relevant information

Proposed mechanism

The XFBL data requirements are similar to XFFM however the mapping changes as XFBL refers to freight booked on a flight while XFFM refers to freight loaded on a flight.

There are two possible mapping depending on the usage of ONE Record by the Airline/GHA.

  • 1 - The airlines uses the Loading Action with the actionTimeType = Planned, then the mapping is similar to XFFM with a difference Loading action.
  • 2 - The airline doesn't use the Loading action with the actionTimeType = Planned, then the mapping will follow the path: TransportMovement >> Booking >> Waybill >> Shipment >> Piece.

XTMV Mapping

The XTMV message is intended to dispatch departure and arrival notification in XML immediately after departure or arrival of a surface transportation. Delay, cancellation and diversion of an aircraft will also be dispatched using XTMV as soon as it is known. (cf. Cargo-XML Toolkit definition).

The need to do a full mapping of XTMV message with ONE Record needs to be properly assessed based on the necessity and the actual usage of the message currently.

Proposed mechanism

XTMV is structured in two main parts:

  • Transport Movement Header contains information about Origin and Destination, Type of Transport, Transport Means and Operator details. These details are available with usage of TransportMovement, TransportMeans and TransportMovement#operatingParties objects.
  • Transport Movement Details contains infrmation about the type of time reported (Movement Indicator based on Code List 1.92) and a few additional fields if there is a delay, cancellation or diversion. For that purpose we have the MovementTime object linked to TransportMovement, it can be complemented with a LogisticsEvent in case of delay or cancellation/diversion to provide more details or the MovementTime can be extended (to be discussed)