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P13 - Check in shipment

Process where the freight and its documents are checked an will be moved to adequate storage location.

01. Receive shipments in warehouse

Storing activity is created for Pieces in storage location. Location itself will give details on the type of storage for transit, transfer or import.

ULDs are broken down if required, Decomposing Action is used to break down ULDs and remove the Pieces

Message: (X)FSU with RCF status Milestone: RCF

API Interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline/GHA POST Storage Create Storage activity
Airline Airline/GHA POST Storing (actual) Storing action (actual): servedActivity (Storage), storingtype (STORE_IN). storedObjects (Pieces/ULDs), storagePlaceIdentifier
Airline Airline/GHA POST UnitComposition Create UnitComposition activity
Airline Airline/GHA POST Composing (Planned) Create Composing: servedActivity (UnitComposition), loadingUnit (ULD or Pallet), composedPieces (Pieces), compositionType (Decomposition), actionTimeType (Actual)
Forwarder Airline/GHA POST Event on Shipment Create Event: eventFor (Shipment), eventLocation (Airport), eventCode (RCF), eventDate, recordingActor

02. Docs received from flight

Destination GHA should have access to relevant data from flight

Message: (X)FSU with AWR status Milestone: AWR

API Interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Forwarder Airline/GHA POST Event on Shipment Create Event: eventFor (Shipment), eventLocation (Airport), eventCode (AWR), eventDate, recordingActor

03. Move Transshipment cargo to appropriate location (see process 9)

Relevant TransportMovement for change of storage location can be created

API Interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline/GHA POST TransportMovement (WH movement) Create TM-WH: departureLocation and arrivalLocation to be defined

04. Move shipments to be transferred to other carrier

TransportMovement for transfer is created with relevant arrivalLocation (other carrier storage place or else)

Message: (X)FSU with TFD status Milestone: TFD

API Interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline/GHA POST TransportMovement (transfer movement) Create TM-Transfer: departureLocation and arrivalLocation to be defined
Forwarder Airline/GHA POST Event on Shipment Create Event: eventFor (Shipment), eventLocation (Airport), eventCode (TFD), eventDate, recordingActor

05. Move import shipment to storage location

TransportMovement times can be updated (departure and arrival) with Events on the pieces to reflect the movement (arrived at storage, etc)

API Interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline/GHA POST Event on TransportMovement (TM-WH) Create Event: eventFor (TM-WH), eventLocation (WH), eventName (Departure from warehouse), eventDate, recordingActor