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P10 - Shipment to flight, load and depart

Process where the Airline/GHA prepares the freight for it transportation

01. Move shipments from warehouse to hold area for ramp transport

TransportMovement for in-warehouse movement created with Loading (storage location, actuals) and Unloading (hold area, actuals) actions to link Pieces/ULDs and TransportMovement.

Events can be added on Pieces/ULDs to communicate FOW milestone and for pickup

Message: (X)FSU with FOW status Milestone: FOW

API Interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Forwarder Airline / GHA POST TransportMovement (WH mouvement) Create TM-WH: departureLocation and arrivalLocation to be defined
Airline Airline / GHA POST Loading (Actual) Loading action (actual): servedActivity (TM-WH), loadedUnits and/or loadedPieces (Pieces/ULDs), loadingType (Loading), actionTimeType (Actual), onTransportMeans (if relevant)
Airline Airline / GHA POST Unloading (Actual) Unloading action (actual): servedActivity (TM-WH), loadedUnits and/or loadedPieces (Pieces/ULDs), loadingType (Unloading), actionTimeType (Actual), onTransportMeans (if relevant)
Airline Airline / GHA POST Event on Pieces/ULDs Create Event: eventFor (Pieces/ULDs), eventLocation, eventName and/or eventCode (FOW), eventDate, recordingActor

02. Move shipments from hold area to parking position

TransportMovement from hold area to parking position created with Loading (actuals) and Unloading (actuals) actions to link Pieces/ULDs and TransportMovement

API Interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Forwarder Airline / GHA POST TransportMovement (Ramp movement) Create TM-Ramp: departureLocation and arrivalLocation to be defined
Airline Airline / GHA POST Loading (Actual) Loading action (actual): servedActivity (TM-Ramp), loadedUnits and/or loadedPieces (Pieces/ULDs), loadingType (Loading), actionTimeType (Actual), onTransportMeans (if relevant)
Forwarder Airline / GHA POST Unloading (Actual) Unloading action (actual): servedActivity (TM-Ramp), loadedUnits and/or loadedPieces (Pieces/ULDs), loadingType (Unloading), actionTimeType (Actual), onTransportMeans (if relevant)

03. Load Aircraft as per Load Plan

Loading Action (Actuals) is created to link Pieces/ULD and TransportMeans (Aircraft) via the TransportMovement (flight) (c.f. 9.5)

Milestone: ALS / ALE

API Interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline / GHA POST Loading (Actual) Loading action (actual): servedActivity (TM-Flight), loadedPieces (Pieces) and/or loadingUnits (ULD/Pallet), loadingType (loading), actionTimeType (actual)
Forwarder Airline / GHA POST Event on Pieces/ULDs Create Event: eventFor (Pieces/ULDs), eventLocation, eventName and/or eventCode (Loaded in aircraft), eventDate, recordingActor

04. Create Final Load Report to load control (LIR)

Creation of the Final Load Report.

05. Off blocks

MovementTimes created on TransportMovement (Flight) to record the Off blocks. Event can be added on TransportMovement as well.

Message: MVT/XTMV Milestone: OFB

API Interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline POST Event on TransportMovement (Truck) Create Event: eventFor (TM-Flight), eventLocation (Airport), eventCode (AO), eventDate, recordingActor
Airline Airline POST Optional - MovementTime on TransportMovement (TM-Flight) Create MovementTime: movementTimeType (actual), movementMilestone (AO), movementTimestamp

06. Depart flight

DEP milestone is more or less the combination of Flight Manifest data and Off blocks. Equivalent of XFFM data are shared between GHA and Airline, at this stage Airline makes sure all XFFM data are there (cf. mapping)

Message: (X)FFM and MVT/XTMV for Departure (DEP) Milestone: DEP