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P09 - Prepare freight for transport

Process where the Airline/GHA prepares the freight for it transportation

01. Transshipment Cargo received from Process 13

1st Airline makes sure that 2nd Airline has proper access (data and/or delegated access) to the shipment record.

02. Transshipment Cargo security cleared

GHA checks the Security status of the pieces and updates the SecurityDeclaration on the Pieces if relevant.

An Event is added on the Pieces if relevant to record the check results

API interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline / GHA PATCH SecurityDeclaration Update accordingly
Airline Airline / GHA POST Event on Pieces Create Event: eventFor (Pieces), eventLocation (carrier domain?), eventName (Security Status checked), eventDate, recordingActor

03. Plan flight and send booking list to warehouse

Most of XFBL data should already be in ONE Record at that stage. Refer to mapping XFBL to 1R for further details.

The Airline needs to make sure that GHA has access to all relevant data related to the freight booked list.

UnitComposition Activity can be created for conslidations made by GHA. Respective Composing actions (Planned) can be created to link Pieces and ULDs Loading Action (Planned) is created by GHA to link Pieces/ULD and TransportMeans (Aircraft) via the TransportMovement (flight). This is either a direct Post via delegated access or request to create objects on Airline system

Message: (X)FBL

API interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline / GHA POST UnitComposition Create UnitComposition activity
Airline Airline / GHA POST Composing (Planned) Create Composing: servedActivity (UnitComposition), loadingUnit (ULD or Pallet), composedPieces (Pieces), compositionType (Composition), actionTimeType (Planned)
Airline Airline / GHA POST TransportMovement (Flight) Create TM-Flight if not created before
Airline Airline / GHA POST Loading (planned) Loading action (planned): servedActivity (TM-Flight), loadedPieces (Pieces) and/or loadingUnits (ULD/Pallet), loadingType (loading), actionTimeType (planned)
Airline Airline / GHA POST Event on TM-Flight Create Event: eventFor (TM-Flight), eventLocation (not relevant), eventName (Freight booked List available), eventDate, recordingActor

04. Move shipment to storage location

Storage Activity is created with Storing Action (actuals) to link the Pieces/ULD to a storage place if relevant

Milestone: STO

API interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline / GHA POST Storage Create Storage activty
Airline Airline / GHA POST Storing (actual) Storing action (actual): servedActivity (Storage), storingtype (STORE_IN). storedObjects (Pieces/ULDs), storagePlaceIdentifier

05. Collect freight and unitize as planned

UnitComposition Activity is created with Composing Action (Actuals) to link Pieces and ULDs

Milestone: MAN / FUM

API interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline / GHA POST Composing (Actual) Create Composing: servedActivity (UnitComposition), loadingUnit (ULD or Pallet), composedPieces (Pieces), compositionType (Composition), actionTimeType (Actual)

06. Consolidate information and send final manifest data

Loading Action (Planned) is updated if relevant by GHA to link Pieces/ULD and TransportMeans (Aircraft) via the TransportMovement (flight). This is either a direct Post via delegated access or request to create objects on Airline system

Milestone: UWS

API interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline / GHA PATCH Loading (planned) Update loading (planned) if required

07. Create aircraft load planning by Load control

Loading Actions (Planned) can be updated by Airline if relevant. This is either a Change request (if GHA has the data) or direct Patch.

API interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Airline Airline / GHA PATCH Loading (planned) Update loading (planned) if required

07. Process PLACI customs status notification

Customs assesses the PLACI status based on data shared. As a prerequisite, data needs to be made accessible to Authorities by Airline and/or Forwarder.

A dedicated Event on the Waybill can be created to notify Customs that PLACI data can be processed.

08. Send PLACI status notification to airline

Event is added on Shipment/MAWB by Authorities for PLACI status.

API interaction

1R Server Stakeholder API Calls LogiticsObject Details
Forwarder Authorities POST Event on Waybill Create Event: eventFor (Waybill), eventName and/or eventCode (PLACI status), eventDate, recordingActor