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Air Waybill


From a paper perspective the Air Waybill requirements are described in Cargo Services Conference Resolutions Manual (CSCRM) in Resolution 600a. Especially all boxes of the paper Waybill are identified with details on how to properly fill in information.

From an electronic perspective the Air Waybill relies on (deprecated) Cargo-IMP FWB message and Cargo-XML XFWB message. Discrepancies exist between FWB and XFWB essentially because Cargo-IMP was discontinued in 2014 and context has evolved.

Chosen approach

Approach needs to be two-fold: - Firstly we take into account the paper requirements, this leads to a mapping that is presented below. - Secondly the electronic requirements lead to a mapping that has been done between XFWB and ONE Record in the corresponding section in the Data Orchestration tab [link]

Paper Waybill mapping

Box Air Waybill requirements 1R mapping Comment
1A Airline Code Number Waybill#waybillPrefix
1B Serial Number Waybill#waybillNumber
1 Airport of Departure Waybill#departureLocation
1C Issuing Carrier's Name and Address involvedParty#Party From Party: use partyDetails to capture the carrier's name and address. Use ParticipantIdentifier to specifiy AIR for Airline
1D Reference to Originals -
1E Reference to Conditions of Contracts -
2 Shipper's Name and Address Waybill#involvedParty In Party: use partyDetails to capture the shipper's name and address. Use partyRole to specifiy SHP for Shipper or FFW for Freight Forwarder
3 Shipper's Account Number -
4 Consignee's Name and Address Waybill#involvedParty In Party: use partyDetails to capture the consignee's name and address. Use  partyRole to specifiy CNE for Consignee
5 Consignee's Account Number -
6 Issuing Carrier's Agent Name and City Waybill#involvedParty In Party: use partyDetails to capture the Issuing carrier's IATA Cargo Agent
7 Agent's IATA Code Waybill#involvedParty In Party: use partyDetails to capture the iataCargoAgentCode from Company
8 Account Number -
9 Airport of Departure and Requested Routing TransportLegs#departureLocation Where legNumber is '1'
11A To (by 1st carrier) TransportLegs#arrivalLocation Where legNumber is '1'
11B By 1st carrier -
11C To (by 2nd carrier) TransportLegs#arrivalLocation Where legNumber is '2'
11D By 2nd carrier -
11E To (by 3rd carrier) TransportLegs#arrivalLocation Where legNumber is '3'
11F By 3rd carrier -
18 Airport of Destination TransportLegs#arrivalLocation Where legNumber is 'greater'
19A Requested Flight TransportLegs#transportIdentifier Where legNumber is '1'
19B Requested Date TransportLegs#departureDate Where legNumber is '1'
10 Accounting Information Waybill#accountingInformation
12 Currency - extract from the currency used in the Waybill
13 Charges Codes - For Carrier Use Only Waybill#carrierChargeCode
14A/14B Weight/Valuation Charges Waybill#weightValuationIndicator
15A/15B Other Charges at Origin Waybill#otherChargesIndicator
16 Declared Value for Carriage Waybill#declaredValueForCarriage
17 Declared Value for Customs Waybill#declaredValueForCustoms
20 Insurance Shipment#insurance
21 Handling information Shipment#specialHandlingCodes + textualHandlingInstructions Retrieve Handling Information captured for each piece of the shipment
21A Special Customs Information (SCI) Shipment#customsInformation
22A Number of pieces and RCP WaybillLineItem#pieceCountforRate Manual data capture
22B Gross Weight WaybillLineItem#grossWeightForRate Manual data capture
22C Kg/Lb WaybillLineItem#grossWeightForRate Unit of measurement to be specified in unit of Value (see table 1.48 Measureement Unit Code)
22Z Service Code Waybill#serviceCode
22D Rate Class WaybillLineItem#rateClassCode
22E Commodity Item Number WaybillLineItem#commodityItemNumberForRate
22F Chargeable Weight WaybillLineItem#chargeableWeightForRate
22G Rate/Charge WaybillLineItem#rateCharge
22H Total - Calculated value
22I Nature and Quantity of Goods WaybillLineItem#goodsDescriptionForRate + dimensionsForRate
22J Total Number of Pieces Shipment#pieces Count of Pieces linked to Shipment
22K Total Gross Weight Shipment#totalGrossWeight
22L Total - Calculated value
23 Other Charges Waybill#otherCharges
24A Prepaid Weight Charge - Calculated value
25A Prepaid Valuation Charge Waybill#declaredValueForCarriage
26A Prepaid Tax Waybill#otherCharges Sum of otherCharges where chargePaymentType is 'P' Prepaid Indicator (see code list 1.5) and otherChargeCode are tax codes related (see code list 1.2)
27A Due Agent Waybill#otherCharges Sum of otherCharges where chargePaymentType is 'P' Prepaid Indicator (see code list 1.5) and entitlement is 'A' Other Charges due Agent (see code list 1.3)
28A Due Carrier Waybill#otherCharges Sum of otherCharges where chargePaymentType is 'P' Prepaid Indicator (see code list 1.5) and entitlement is 'C' Other Charges due Carrier (see code list 1.3)
29A Untitled box -
30A Total Prepaid - calculated value: Weight Charge (prepaid) + Valuation Charge (prepaid) + Tax (prepaid) + Total Other Charges Due Agent (prepaid) + Total Other Charges Due Carrier (prepaid)
24B Collect Weight Charge - Calculated value
25B Collect Valuation Charge Waybill#declaredValueForCarriage
26B Collect Tax Waybill#otherCharges Sum of otherCharges where chargePaymentType is 'C' Collect Indicator (see code list 1.5) and otherChargeCode are tax codes related (see code list 1.2)
27B Due Agent Waybill#otherCharges Sum of otherCharges where chargePaymentType is 'C' Collect Indicator (see code list 1.5) and entitlement is 'A' Other Charges due Agent (see code list 1.3)
28B Due Carrier Waybill#otherCharges Sum of otherCharges where chargePaymentType is 'C' Collect Indicator (see code list 1.5) and entitlement is 'C' Other Charges due Carrier (see code list 1.3)
29B Untitled box -
30B Total Collect - calculated value: Weight Charge (collect) + Valuation Charge (collect) + Tax (collect) + Total Other Charges Due Agent (collect) + Total Other Charges Due Carrier (collect)
31 Shipper's Certification Box Waybill#consignorDeclarationSignature
32A Executed on (Date) Waybill#carrierDeclarationDate
32B At (Place) Waybill#carrierDeclarationPlace
32C Signature of Issuing Carrier or its Agent Waybill#carrierDeclarationSignature
33 For carriers use only at destination -
33A Currency Conversion Rate Waybill#destinationCurrencyRate + Waybill#destinationCharges#CurrencyUnit
33B Collect Charges in Destination Currency - Calculated value: 30A*33B
33C Charges at Destination Waybill#destinationCharges
33D Total Collect Charges - Calculated value: 33B+33C
34A Optional Shipping Information - Reference Number Waybill#shippingRefNo
34B Optional Shipping Information - Untitled Box Waybill#shippingInfo
34C Optional Shipping Information - Untitled Box -

While data can change at its source (e.g. shipment being reweighted), 2 API specific features allow to re-create the equivalent of a paper Waybill using the mapping above with the right data: - The Audit trail ensures that all changes to data is tracked and properly identified - One can retrieve data using a specific timestamp (for instance equivalent to RCS event or the Waybill ready event) to have the data that was agreed upon at that time

Data model

Naturally the Waybill object is at the center of the data model when the Air Waybill is concerned, whether we refer to the paper or electronic waybill.

The WaybillLineItem object is also necessary, linked to Waybill object, to properly record the information at Air Waybill level. The line items as used in the Air Waybill cannot always be linked to actual Piece objects as the level of information required does not always reflect the physical goods. This is because we can have discrepancy between actual goods transported and rates as they are defined.

Also it is possible that all accurate piece details are available at the the Waybill.