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Live Animals


Shipper’s certification for Live Animals

The shipper’s certification for Live Animals is an essential document required to transport live animals. The requirements are described in the Live Animals Regulation as published by IATA.

CITES ePermit

The CITES permit is a the key instrument to control the trade in the species it protects. An extensive work has been done in order to define the requirements for the CITES ePermit, including the ePermit Core Component Data Model V2.0. The details of the ePermit and the associated data model are in the “CITES electronic permitting toolkit Version 2.0” document that can be found here.

Chosen approach

Requirements have shown that the data model requires new objects to capture the specific information for Live Animals. These objects are: - PieceLiveAnimals object, subtype of the Piece class containing data specific for Live Animals - EPermitConsignement object to reflect the pieces (Animals) contained in a eCITES permit - LiveAnimalsEpermit object to reflect the eCITES permit document requirements and allow for its creation from the ONE Record data model - EpermitSignature object to take into account Signature requirements in the eCITES permit, mainly identifying the signatory and recording the date of signature

The mapping with the CITES ePermit data model has been made to ensure all required information are available, it is available in details in the Excel version of the data model on GitHub in the document IATA-1R-DataModel-LiveAnimalsIntegration Nov 2020.

Object Data property Description eCITES box ePermit class
Epermit permitNumber "The original number is a unique number allocated to
each document by the relevant Management
Authority." 1 HeaderExchangedDocument-ID
Epermit permitTypeCode Code specifying the document name. 1 HeaderExchangedDocument-TypeCode
Epermit permitTypeOther Description if TypeCode is Other 1 HeaderExchangedDocument-Name
Epermit permitCopyIndicator Indicates if the permit is a copy (true) or an original (false) 1 HeaderExchangedDocument-CopyIndicator
Epermit transactionPurposeText Purpose of the transaction in free text 5a HeaderExchangedDocument-Purpose
Epermit transactionPurposeCode Code indicating the purpose of the transaction 5a HeaderExchangedDocument-PurposeCode
Epermit specialConditions Special conditions 5 HeaderExchangedDocument-Information
Epermit permitValidUntil Permit Valid until 2 HeaderExchangedDocument-ReferenceReferencedDocument-EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod
Epermit permitValidfrom Permit Valid from HeaderExchangedDocument-ReferenceReferencedDocument-EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod
Epermit issuingAuthoritySignature Signature details of the Issuing Authority (box 6) 6 FirstSignatoryDocumentAuthentication
Epermit applicantSignature Signature details of the Applicant (box 4) 4 SecondSignatoryDocumentAuthentication
Epermit issuerSignature "Signature details of the Permit issuer (box 13) includes date of issuance of the permit and associated location" 13
Epermit examiningSignature Signature details of the Examining authority (box 14) 14 FourthSignatoryDocumentAuthentication
Epermit consignor "Consignor company details including complete name and address (box 4 already in applicantSignaure ?)"
Epermit consignee "Consignee company details including complete name and address (box 3)" 3
Epermit transportContractTypeCode Code specifying the transport document name 15 SpecifiedSupplyChainConsignment-TransportContractReferencedDocument-TypeCode
Epermit transportContractId Reference to the Air Waybill or other transport contract document 15 SpecifiedSupplyChainConsignment-TransportContractReferencedDocument-ID
Epermit consignments Reference to the pieces and properties linked to the Permit 7 to 12 IncludedSupplychainConsignment
EpermitConsignment consignementItems Reference to the pieces
EpermitConsignment examiningQuantity Quantity measured by examining authority (box 14) 14 SpecifiedSupplyChainConsignment-ExaminationTransportEvent-UnitQuantity
EpermitConsignment usedToDateQuotaQuantity total number of specimens exported in the current calendar year and the current annuela quota for the species concerned (box 12b) 11a IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-ApplicableCrossBorderRegulatoryProcedure-UsedToDateQuantity
EpermitSignature signatureTypeCode "Code specifying a type of government action such asinspection detention fumigation
EpermitSignature securityStampId Security stamp ID 5b …Signatory…ID
EpermitSignature signatureStatement Signatory signature authentication text …Signatory…Statement
EpermitSignature signatoryId Signatory company name …Signatory…ProviderTradeParty
EpermitSignature signatoryAddress Full address of the signatory company …Signatory…ProviderTradeParty-PostalTradeAddress
EpermitSignature signatoryRepresentant Name of the official representative person of the Issuing Authority …Signatory…ProviderTradeParty-SpecifiedRepresentativePerson
EpermitSignature signatureLocation Place where signature occurred or was registered …Signatory…IssueLogisticsLocation
Piece shippingMarks (see SLI)
PieceLiveAnimals originTradeCountry country of origin (box 12) 12 IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-PhysicalLogisticsShippingMarks-OriginTradeCountry
PieceLiveAnimals exportTradeCountry Country of last re-export (box 12a) 12a IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-PhysicalLogisticsShippingMarks-ExportTradeCountry
PieceLiveAnimals originReferencePermitDatetime Issuing date for Origin reference permit or re-export reference Certificate (box 12) 12 IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-PhysicalLogisticsShippingMarks-AssociatedReferencedDocument-IssueDateTime
PieceLiveAnimals originReferencePermitTypeCode identifier of Origin reference permit or re-export reference Certificate (box 12/12a) 12/12a IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-PhysicalLogisticsShippingMarks-AssociatedReferencedDocument-TypeCode
PieceLiveAnimals originReferencePermitId identifier of Origin reference permit or re-export reference Certificate (box 12/12a) 12/12a IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-PhysicalLogisticsShippingMarks-AssociatedReferencedDocument-ID
PieceLiveAnimals quantityAnimals Quantity including units (box 11) 11 IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-PhysicalLogisticsShippingMarks-TransportLogisticsPackage-ItemQuantity
PieceLiveAnimals goodsTypeCode "Appendix number of the convention (I II or III) (box 10)" 10
PieceLiveAnimals goodsTypeExtensionCode Source of the appendix number (box 10) 10 IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem-TypeExtensionCode
PieceLiveAnimals specimenDescription "Description of specimens including age and sex if LA (box 9)" 9
PieceLiveAnimals specimenTypeCode "Description of specimens CITES type code (box 9)" 9
PieceLiveAnimals speciesCommonName Species common name (box 8) 8 IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem-SpecifiedTradeProduct-CommonName
PieceLiveAnimals speciesScientificName Species scientific name (box 7) 7 IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem-SpecifiedTradeProduct-ScientificName
PieceLiveAnimals categoryCode Operations code ID. Refers to the number of the registered captive-breeding or artifical propagation operation (box 12b) 12b IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-ApplicableCrossBorderRegulatoryProcedure-CategoryCode
PieceLiveAnimals acquisitionDatetime Defined in Resolution Conf. 13.6 and is required for pre-Convention specimens (box 12b) 12b IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-ApplicableCrossBorderRegulatoryProcedure-AcquisitionDateTime
PieceLiveAnimals annualQuotaQuantity total number of specimens exported in the current calendar year and the current annuela quota for the species concerned (box 11a) 11a IncludedSupplychainConsignmentItem-ApplicableCrossBorderRegulatoryProcedure-AnnualQuotaQuantity

Data model

The objects added for Live Animals integration have been specified, accordingly with the existing models.