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Activity Model

ONE Record data model 3.0 introduced an activity model. It is built on the superclasses LogisticsService, LogisticsActivity, LogisticsAction, and PhysicalLogisticsObject. The activity model is developed based the design principles Single Source of Truth and Physics-orientation. Further emphasis lays on practicality over abstractation. This page details the core concepts including examples.


A LogisticsService (a subtype of LogisticsObject) describes a set of scheduled and sequenced LogisticsActivities provided by one party to another.

The properties are described here.


LogisticsService and connected objects


Booking is the first and main LogisticsService in Air Cargo context. It represents the Transportation service between a carrier and its customer (usually the Freight forwarder) and is the main outcome of Distribution scope.

The main LogisticsActivity linked to the Booking will be the TransportMovement(s) representing the flight legs and potential truck movements, warehouse movements or other kinds of movements.


Booking object and connection to Distribution scope and TransportMovements


A LogisticsActivity (a subtype of LogisticsObject) describes an activity or process state which is scheduled and executed by an orchestrating party. It involves a set of dedicated tasks in the form of specific LogisticsActions to be performed on PhysicalLogisticsObjects. Some activities are directly bound to a specific PhysicalLogisticsObject. It can be part of one or multiple LogisticsServices. It has an execution status that is actively maintained.

The properties are described here.


LogisticsActivity and connected objects


An UnitComposition (a subtype of LogisticsActivity) describes the process state of a packed/loaded LoadingUnit (Container, ULD, Pallet, ...). It requires a 1:1 connection to a LoadingUnit as long as its execution status is Active. Composing (a LogisticsAction) is used to model the tasks of composing (cargo:Composition) or decomposing (cargo:Decomposition) Pieces for the UnitComposition. An UnitComposition typically begins with a Composition at one location (eg. warehouse of origin) and ends with a Decomposition at another location (eg. warehouse of departure).

The properties are described here.


UnitComposition and connected objects

The Buildup and Breakdown of a ULD will be represented by a UnitComposition activity and Composing/Decomposing actions that link the ULD and the Pieces.


Buildup of a ULD using Composing action


A TransportMovement (subtype of LogisticsActivity) describes a physical movement in which some object can be transported. It is operated by a Party (Organization or a Person such as a Pilot or Driver) and uses a TransportMeans (Aircraft, Truck, ...). It contains various information relevant to operations such as departure and arrival locations and MovementTimes that include Scheduled, Planned and Actual times.

The properties are described here.




A Storage (subtype of LogisticsActivity) describes the activity where a PhysicalLogisticsObject such as a Piece or a LoadingUnit is stored in and out of a storage facility or a warehouse. It uses the Storing action to record a store-in or store-out of the PhysicalLogisticsObject.


A LogisticsAction (a subtype of LogisticsObject) describes a specific task performed on one or a set of PhysicalLogisticsObject(s) in the context of a LogisticsActivity. LogisticsActions serve the purpose of connecting different PhysicalLogisticsObject(s) to each other and to an LogisticsActivity. It is set at a specific point in time. This can also be a time frame (start and end time). The time type can be either requested, planned or actual.

The properties are described here.


LogisticsAction and connected objects


Composing action describes the operation of buildup and breakdown of a loading unit. Much common case in Air Cargo will be the buildup and breakdown of a ULD or a Pallet with some Pieces. It has then some restrictions on its properties as it needs to be linked to a LoadingUnit and some Piece(s) to be complete. a LoadingMaterial can be used as well to describe further what material has been used (e.g. Nets for pallets).

The properties are described here.


Loading action describes the operation of loading and unloading Piece(s) or LoadingUnit(s) on a LogisticsActivty that is usually a TransportMovement. It can be used for Load Planning when the actionTimeType is planned or requested.

The properties are described here.


Storing action describes the operation of storing in and out PhysicalLogisticsObject(s) from a storage place that can be described as a Location with more details using the Storing#storagePlaceIdentifier data property.


Checks have a very broad definition here. It can include:

  • Checks of single physical objects, like the manual check of a ULD temperature as displayed on the outside or a countour check for a pallet.
  • Checks of non-physical objects, like manual or automatic data content checks on AWB-relevant data.
  • Acceptance checks including a mixed setting of physical and non-physical objects, like the Ready-for-carriage export acceptance check.
  • Specialized commodity checks like the DG acceptance check.
  • Any other check related with physical or data objects.
  • Checks can be performed manually and automatically.

More details on the Check can be found on the Good Practive developed by Lufthansa here.


A PhysicalLogisticsObject (a subtype of LogisticsObject) is the digital twin of a physically distinguishable object in the air cargo supply chain. It interacts with other PhysicalLogisticsObjects and LogisticsActivities through LogisticsActions. Some PhysicalLogisticsObjects are directly connected to an LogisticsActivity describing its state.

The properties are described here.


PhysicalLogisticsObject and connected objects


A Piece (a subtype of PhysicalLogisticsObject) is the digital twin of a piece, or package in the air cargo supply chain. It can be described as a uniquely identified physical single unit which may form all or a part of a shipment.


A LoadingUnit (a subtype of PhysicalLogisticsObject) is the digital twin of any Unit used to transport cargo. Most common cases in air cargo are the ULD (Unit Load Device) or Pallets that are used for consolidation and optimization of cargo space usage.


A TransportMeans (a subtype of PhysicalLogisticsObject) is the digital twin of any vehicle used for a TransportMovement. Most common cases in air cargo are aircrafts or trucks. They can alos represent forklifts if warehouse or ramp movements are considered.


Booking with 2 loose and 1 palletized pieces on one flight

Example 1

Booking with 2 loose and 1 palletized pieces on one flight