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Publish & Subscribe in ONE Record

ONE Record utilizes a publish & subscribe pattern to enable exchanging data updates in a distributed network of ONE Record nodes. More precisely, In ONE Record, so-called Notification data objects are exchanged between applications to inform other ONE Record nodes about data updates.

This chapter describes the publish & subscribe concept and how it MUST be implemented in ONE Record.


Receiving data updates (via notifications) from other ONE Record nodes requires implementation of the Notifications API endpoint (see Notifications)

Guidelines for Subscriptions in ONE Record:

  • A Subscription MUST be immutable (unchangeable object), i.e. a Subscription cannot be changed after it is created and published.
  • Updating a Subscription requires to delete/revoke the active Subscription and create a new Subscription that MUST be communicated to other ONE Record nodes.
  • The publisher of a Notification MUST ensure the guaranteed delivery.
  • It is RECOMMENDED to implement for each subscriber and each topic a message queue that is maintained by the publisher. While in transit, data is kept in message queues that ensure integrity and availability of the system. If a subscribing application is unavailable, messages are safely retained until the subscribing application returns to be available.
  • The publisher MUST ensure the guaranteed delivery. That means keeping data until the subscriber confirms it has received a particular Notification.

Subscription Data Model

The Subscription and SubscriptionRequest are data classes of the ONE Record API ontology. The properties and relationships to other data classes are visualized in the following class diagram.

    direction LR

    class Organization{

    class SubscriptionRequest{
        + hasSubscription: Subscription
    SubscriptionRequest "1" --> "1" Subscription

    class Subscription{        
        + hasContentType[]: xsd:string [*]
        + hasDescription: xsd:string [0..1]
        + expiresAt: xsd:dateTime [0..1]                                
        + hasSubscriber: Organization        
        + hasTopicType: TopicType        
        + notifyRequestStatusChange: xsd:boolean = FALSE
        + sendLogisticsObjectBody: xsd:boolean = FALSE 
        + includeSubscriptionEventType[]: SubscriptionEventType [1..*]     
        + hasTopic: xsd:anyURI        
    Subscription "1" --> "1" Organization: hasSubscriber
    Subscription --> TopicType
    Subscription "1" --> "1..*" SubscriptionEventType

    class TopicType{

    class SubscriptionEventType{

Two scenarios were identified for initiating the publish/subscribe process:

1) Publisher initiates Subscription: After creating and publishing an Logistics Object, the publisher wants to subscribe another organization to receive Notifications about the newly created Logistics Object.

2) Subscriber initiates Subscription: An organization wants to receive Notifications about a specific Logistics Object or a type of Logistics Objects.

Both scenarios are described with examples below. For simplicity reasons, the security part was not detailed in the following diagrams.

Get Subscription information as Publisher

If the publisher of a Logistics Object - also called Holder of the Logistics Object - wants to subscribe a user of a Logistics Object - also called Subscriber in this scenario - to send Notifications about data updates and/or Logistics Events, the publisher can request the potential subscriber to provide subscription information.

There are two different forms of this scenario:


As result, for both scenarios the interaction between two ONE Record participants follows the following workflow:


  participant PUB as Publisher
  participant SUB as Subscriber

  PUB->>+SUB: (1) Request subscription information for specific Logistics Object or Logistics Object type<br> GET /subscriptions HTTP/1.1
  SUB-->>-PUB: (2) Returning Subscription objects<br> HTTP/1.1 OK<br>Subscription

  note over PUB, SUB: After Subscription initiation
  PUB->>SUB: (3) Send Notifications about data updates and events<br> POST /notifications HTTP/1.1

(Optional) Step 0 - Create and Publish a Logistics Object

This step is optional, because a subscription MUST also be possible for already existing Logistics Objects.

Step 1 - Retrieve Subscription information

The publisher MAY propose a Subscription to a subscriber by requesting the Subscription information from the potential subscriber. The publisher sends a GET request to the subscriptions endpoint of a Subscriber with the proposed Logistics Object type or a specific Logistics Object URI using the query parameters topicType and topic. If the subscription proposal targets a specific Logistics Object, the subscribers MUST set the topicType=LOGISTICS_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER and provide an accessible Logistics Object URI as topic parameter. Example:

GET /subscriptions?topicType= HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

Step 2 - Acknowledge Subscription request In order to acknowledge a proposal the subscriber response to the request with the Subscription information. Example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Content-Language: en-US

  "@context": {
    "cargo": "",
    "api": ""
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "api:Subscription",
  "api:hasContentType": "application/ld+json",
  "api:hasSubscriber": {
    "@id": ""
  "api:hasTopicType": {
  "api:includeSubscriptionEventType": [
  "api:hasTopic": {
    "@type": "",
    "@value": ""


It is the responsibility of the publisher to check the response, i.e. to compare the requested topic/topicType with the topic/topicType in the returned Subscription data object.

The publisher uses the response to store it in a SubscriptionRequest, which can later be referenced in Notifications (cf. isTriggeredBy property in Notification) and used to revoke the subscription. For example, the URI of the newly created SubscriptionRequest could be

The publisher MUST ensure that the subscriber gets sufficient access to the resulted SubscriptionRequest to request the status of the SubscriptionRequest and can revoke AccessDelegationRequest (see also section about revoking Action Requests

Here an example of a SubscriptionRequest:

    "@context": {
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:SubscriptionRequest",
    "@id": "",
    "api:hasSubscription": {
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "api:Subscription",
        "api:hasContentType": "application/ld+json",
        "api:hasSubscriber": {
            "@id": ""
        "api:hasTopicType": {
            "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER"
        "api:includeSubscriptionEventType": [
                "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_UPDATED"
                "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_CREATED"
                "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_EVENT_RECEIVED"
        "api:hasTopic": {
            "@type": "",
            "@value": ""
    "api:isRequestedBy": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasRequestStatus": {
        "@id": "api:REQUEST_PENDING"
    "api:isRequestedAt": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "2023-04-20T10:38:01.000Z"



The @id found in the subscription details provided by the Subscriber is not mandatory, but it can serve as a means for the Subscriber to manage various subscriptions. The Subscriber has the freedom to determine the format of this identifier. To access the SubscriptionRequest, both the Subscriber and the Publisher must utilize the id assigned by the Publisher for the SubscriptionRequest ( in the example), rather than the id of the Subscription.

Step 3 - Send Notification to Subscribers

Once the subscription information is received the publisher sends notifications to the subscriber using the details provided. If a subscriber was not available at the time, then the publisher MUST need to queue and retry to notify the Subscriber. Example:

POST /notifications HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {        
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Notification",    
    "api:hasEventType": {
        "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_CREATED"
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasLogisticsObjectType": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": ""
    "api:isTriggeredBy": {
        "@id": ""


Notifications will be triggered for the creation of a new Logistics Event on a Logistics Object solely when the subscription property 'includeSubscriptionEventType' contains the value 'LOGISTICS_EVENT_RECEIVED'. On the contrary, this notification will be omitted.


 GET {{baseURL}}/subscriptions?topicType={{topicType}}&topic={dataclass/logisticObjectURI}}


The following HTTP query parameters MUST be supported:

Query parameter Description Valid values / Examples
topicType Used by the publisher to specify if Subscription information for a specific Logistics Object or a data class should be in the response body. When passed in a URL, the topicType must be URL encoded (i.e # becomes %23 or can be replaced with /)
topic Used by the publisher to specify the data class or Logistics Object URI the Subscription information should be related to. topic MUST be a valid URI

The following HTTP header parameters MUST be present in the request:

Header Description Examples
Accept The content type that a ONE Record client wants the HTTP response to be formatted in. This SHOULD include the version of the ONE Record API, otherwise the latest supported ONE Record API MAY be applied.
  • application/ld+json
  • application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
  • application/ld+json; version=1.2


A successful request MUST return a HTTP/1.1 200 OK status code. The body of the response includes the list of subscriptions in the RDF serialization format that has been requested in the Accept header of the request. This list of subscriptions MAY also be empty.

The following HTTP headers parameters MUST be present in the response:

Header Description Example
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. application/ld+json
Content-Language Describes the language(s) for which the requested resource is intended. en-US

The following HTTP status codes MUST be supported:

Code Description Response body
200 The request to retrieve the Subscription Information has been successful Subscriptions
400 The request is invalid Error
401 Not authenticated Error
403 Not authorized to retrieve the Subscription Information Error
500 Internal Server Error Error


To engage with the "Get Subscription" endpoint, a client needs proper authentication. If requests lack proper authentication, the ONE Record server should respond with a 401 "Not Authenticated" status.

Example A1

Request subscription information for specific Logistics Object URI.


GET /subscriptions?topicType= HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev


HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Content-Language: en-US

  "@context": {
    "cargo": "",
    "api": ""
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "api:Subscription",
  "api:hasContentType": "application/ld+json",
  "api:hasSubscriber": {
    "@id": ""
  "api:hasTopicType": {
  "api:includeSubscriptionEventType": [
  "api:hasTopic": {
    "@type": "",
    "@value": ""


Example A2

Request subscription information for a Logistics Object type


GET /subscriptions?topicType=
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev


HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Content-Language: en-US

  "@context": {
    "cargo": "",
    "api": "",
    "publisher": "",
    "subscriber": ""
  "@id": "publisher:subscriptions/5f1a4869-e324-45b1-9ab0-60271ba54185",
  "@type": "Subscription",
  "api:contentType": "application/ld+json",
  "api:hasSubscriber": {
    "@id": "subscriber:logistics-objects/957e2622-9d31-493b-8b8f-3c805064dbda"
  "api:includeSubscriptionEventType": [
  "api:hasTopicType": {
    "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_TYPE"
  "api:hasTopic": {
    "@type": "",
    "@value": ""


Example A3

Request subscription information for a not supported Logistics Object type


GET /subscriptions?topicType=
Accept: application/ld+json


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Content-Language: en-US

    "@context": {
       "api": "",
       "@language": "en-US"
    "@type": "api:Error",
    "@id": "_:b0",
    "api:hasTitle": "Logistics Object Type not supported",
    "api:hasErrorDetail": [{
       "@type": "api:ErrorDetail",
       "@id": "_:b1",
       "api:hasCode": "400",
       "api:hasMessage": "Provided Logistics Object Type is not supported"

Example A4

Required parameter topic= is missing in the HTTP query parameters.


GET /subscriptions?topicType=
Accept: application/ld+json


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Content-Language: en-US

    "@context": {
       "api": "",
       "@language": "en-US"
    "@type": "api:Error",
    "@id": "_:b0",
    "api:hasTitle": "Missing query parameter",
    "api:hasErrorDetail": [{
       "@type": "api:ErrorDetail",
       "@id": "_:b1",
       "api:hasCode": "400",
       "api:hasMessage": "The required query parameter `topic` is missing."

Subscribe to Logistics Objects

In the second scenario, the subscriber initiates the subscription process by actively sending subscription information to the publisher. The subscription information can either specify a type of Logistics Object or a specific Logistics Object. The publisher creates a SubscriptionRequest from the submitted Subscription.


  participant SUB as Subscriber
  participant PUB as Publisher

  SUB->>+PUB: Subscribe to either a concrete Logistics Objector a Logistics Object type <br> POST /subscriptions HTTP/1.1
  PUB-->>-SUB: Acknowledge Subscription request and return location of SubscriptionRequest<br>HTTP/1.1 204 No Content <br> Location: <URI of SubscriptionRequest>

  note over PUB, SUB: After subscription proposal process
  PUB->>SUB: Send Notifications about data updates and events<br> POST /notifications HTTP/1.1

The ONE Record server must validate that : - the topicType is one of the types described in the ONE Record API ontology - the topic is a valid Logistics Object (i.e. a supported Logistics Objects type (i.e

The Callback URL can be derived from the Organization IRI provided in the hasSubscriber property of the body request.


 POST {{baseURL}}/subscriptions


The following HTTP header parameters MUST be present in the request:

Header Description Examples
Accept The content type that a ONE Record client wants the HTTP response to be formatted in. This SHOULD include the version of the ONE Record API, otherwise the latest supported ONE Record API MAY be applied.
  • application/ld+json
  • application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
  • application/ld+json; version=1.2
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. Valid content types. application/ld+json

The HTTP body must contain a valid Subscription object in the format as specified by the Content-Type in the header.


A successful request MUST return a HTTP/1.1 201 Created status code and the following HTTP headers parameters MUST be present in the response:

Header Description Examples
Location The URI of the newly created Logistics Object
Type The type of the newly created Logistics Object as a URI

The following HTTP status codes MUST be supported:

Code Description Response body
201 Subscription Request has been created No response body
400 Bad Request Error
401 Not authenticated Error
403 Not authorized Error
415 Unsupported Content Type Error
500 Internal Server Error Error


To engage with the "Get Subscription" endpoint, a client needs proper authentication. If requests lack proper authentication, the ONE Record server should respond with a 401 "Not Authenticated" status.

Example B1

Request subscription for a specific Logistics Object URI.


POST /subscriptions HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

  "@context": {
    "cargo": "",
    "api": ""
  "@type": "api:Subscription",
  "api:hasContentType": "application/ld+json",
  "api:hasSubscriber": {
    "@id": ""
  "api:hasTopicType": {
  "api:includeSubscriptionEventType": [
  "api:hasTopic": {
    "@type": "",
    "@value": ""


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

Subscriptions with 3rd parties

It is feasible to initiate a subscription on behalf of a third party. In such instances, the individual making the request will differ from the individual intended to receive the notifications.

The entity responsible for implementing the ONE Record Server is obligated to establish a mechanism to verify the legitimacy of the intended recipient for receiving these notifications. There are scenarios where the implementor might choose to disallow this capability and verify that the authenticated user matches the intended receiver.


Notifications are sent to the subscriber's Notification endpoint. It MUST be assumed that the subscriber performs the internal forwarding of the received notifications to the backend systems or third parties for further processing.


Due to changing information needs, a subscribed user of a logistics object may no longer wish to receive notifications of logistics object updates. To unscribe, an active Subscriber MUST revoke a SubscriptionRequest. This is explained in the Revoke Action Request section.

The ActionRequest URI required for the Revocation is provided to the User with the isTriggeredBy property in the Notification) data object. Or it is given to the user in the HTTP response header Location to the subscription request.