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ONE Record utilizes a Publish & Subscribe pattern to enable exchanging data updates in a distributed network of ONE Record compliant platforms.

A key pillar of the implementation of this concept is asynchronous communication via HTTP. To enable asynchronous communication via HTTP, every ONE Record server MUST provide a Notification REST API endpoint that can be used by ONE Record clients to submit Notifications about data changes and updates.

This chapter describes the the requirements of a Notifications API which a ONE Record server MUST implement (1) to receive information about new created or updated Logistics Objects, (2) or to receive status updates of action requests from other ONE Record nodes.

For the former, the initialization of this data exchange channel is described in the Subscription chapter. The latter is set up when notifyRequestStatusChange is set to true in the request for a Change, AccessDelegation , or Subscription.

Guidelines for Notifications in ONE Record:

  • Every ONE Record server MUST implement a Notifications endpoint to receive data from ONE Record clients
  • The ONE Record Notifications endpoint MUST be accessible to any authenicated ONE Record client
  • The ONE Record Notificatons endpoint MUST expect a Notification object in the POST request body
  • The ONE Record Notificatons MUST respond with a HTTP response when it receives the Notification
  • The ONE Record Notificatons MUST support HTTP 1.1
  • The ONE Record Notificatons MUST support TLS 1.2

Notification Data Model

The Notification is a data class of the ONE Record API ontology. The properties and relationships to other data classes are visualized in the following class diagram.


    direction LR   

    class LogisticsObject{                

    class Organization{        

    class ActionRequest {
        + hasError[]: Error [*]
        + isRequestedAt: xsd:dateTime         
        + isRequestedBy: Organization            
        + isRevokedBy: Organization 
        + hasRequestStatus: RequestStatus = REQUEST_PENDING
        + revokedAt: xsd:dateTime                 
    ActionRequest <|-- AccessDelegationRequest
    ActionRequest <|-- ChangeRequest
    ActionRequest <|-- SubscriptionRequest

    ActionRequest "1" --> "1..*" Organization : requestedBy    
    ActionRequest --> RequestStatus                
    ActionRequest "1" --> "1..*" Organization : revokedBy

    class Notification{
        + hasChangedProperty[]: xsd:anyURI [*]        
        + hasEventType: NotificationEventType
        + isTriggeredBy: ActionRequest [0..1]  
        + hasLogisticsObject: LogisticsObject [0..1]
        + hasLogisticsObjectType: xsd:anyURI [0..1]     
    Notification "1"--> "0..1" LogisticsObject
    Notification "1" --> "1" NotificationEventType
    Notification "1" --> "0..1" ActionRequest  

    class NotificationEventType{





    class RequestStatus{

Send Notification


 POST {{baseURL}}/notifications


The following HTTP header parameters MUST be present in the request:

Header Description Examples
Accept The content type in which the ONE Record client wants the HTTP response formatted. application/ld+json

The HTTP body must contain a valid Notification in the format as specified by the Content-Type in the header.

The publisher sends a notification request to the subscriber when a logistics object is created or updated. If the subscriber chose to receive the entire logistics object body via sendLogisticsObjectBody=true field, then the whole object is sent.


If the embedded object of a LogisticsObject changed, the Notification#hasChangedProperty will contain the IRI of the embeddedObject, for example: The hasGrossWeight property - which is of type Value - of a Piece is changed via ChangeRequest, the hasChangedProperty of the Notification will contain


One of the following HTTP status codes MUST be present in the response:

Code Description Response body
204 The request has been successful -
400 Notification format is invalid Error
401 Not authenticated, invalid or expired token Error
403   Not authorized to perform action Error
404   Resource Not Found Error
405   Method not allowed Error
415   Unsupported content type Error
500   Internal Server Error Error

A successful request MUST return a HTTP/1.1 204 No Content status code.


To engage with the "Send Notifications" endpoint, a client needs to be authenticated. If requests lack proper authentication, the ONE Record server should respond with a 401 "Not Authenticated" status.

Example 1A

The following example shows a LOGISTICS_OBJECT_CREATED Notification without the content of the object, because sendLogisticsObjectBody in Subscription is set to False.


POST /notifications HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {        
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Notification",    
    "api:hasEventType": {
        "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_CREATED"
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasLogisticsObjectType": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": ""
    "api:isTriggeredBy": {
        "@id": ""


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Example 1B

The following example shows a LOGISTICS_OBJECT_CREATED Notification with the content of the object, because sendLogisticsObjectBody in Subscription is set to True.

POST /notifications HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "",
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Notification",
    "api:hasEventType": {
        "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_CREATED"
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "cargo:Shipment",
        "cargo:goodsDescription": "Lots of awesome ONE Record information materials",
        "cargo:pieces": [{
            "@type": "cargo:Piece",
            "@id": ""
    "api:hasLogisticsObjectType": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": ""
    "api:isTriggeredBy": {
        "@id": ""


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Example 1C

The following example shows a LOGISTICS_OBJECT_UPDATED Notification without the content of the object, because sendLogisticsObjectBody in Subscription is set to False.

POST /notifications HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {        
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Notification",
    "api:hasChangedProperty": [
    "api:hasEventType": {
        "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_UPDATED"
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasLogisticsObjectType": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": ""
    "api:isTriggeredBy": {
        "@id": ""


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Example 1D

The following example shows a LOGISTICS_EVENT_RECEIVED Notification after a LogisticsEvent is submitted.


Notifications will be triggered for the creation of a new Logistics Event on a Logistics Object solely when the subscription property 'includeSubscriptionEventType' contains the value 'LOGISTICS_EVENT_RECEIVED'. On the contrary, this notification will be omitted.

POST /notifications HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {        
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Notification",
    "api:hasEventType": {
        "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_EVENT_RECEIVED"
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasLogisticsObjectType": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": ""


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Example 1E

The following example shows a CHANGE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED Notification after the ChangeRequest is accepted by the holder of the logistics object.

POST /notifications HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {        
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Notification",
    "api:hasEventType": {
        "@id": "api:CHANGE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED"
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasLogisticsObjectType": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": ""
    "api:isTriggeredBy": {
        "@id": ""


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content