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Action Requests

ONE Record uses a generic action request pattern to support the process of one organization requesting an action that must be approved by another organization. Examples include SubscriptionRequest, where the subscriber asks the publisher to subscribe him/her on a LogisticsObject; or the ChangeRequest, where a User of a LogisticsObject submits a Change of a LogisticsObject that must be approved and applied by the Holder of the LogisticsObject.

While the creation of Action Requests by submitting Change, Subscription or Access Delegation objects is described in the previous sections, this section describes the managing of Action Requests. This enables users and holders to view and revoke action requests, and enables holders to change the status of an ActionRequest, i.e. to accept or reject.

Guidelines for Action Requests in ONE Record:

ActionRequest state diagram for AccessDelegationRequest, ChangeRequest, and SubscriptionRequest


    direction LR   


    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_ACCEPTED: accepted by holder
    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_REJECTED: rejected by holder
    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_REVOKED: revocation requested


    REQUEST_ACCEPTED --> [*]        
    REQUEST_ACCEPTED --> REQUEST_FAILED:  an error has occurred        

    REQUEST_FAILED --> [*]

    REQUEST_REJECTED --> [*]    

ActionRequest state diagram for VerificationRequest


    direction LR   


    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_ACKNOWLEDGED: acknowledged by holder
    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_REJECTED: rejected by holder
    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_REVOKED: revocation requested
    REQUEST_PENDING --> REQUEST_FAILED: revocation requested

    REQUEST_REVOKED --> [*]      

    REQUEST_FAILED --> [*]

    REQUEST_REJECTED --> [*]    


ActionRequest data model

The ActionRequest is a data class of the ONE Record API ontology. The properties and relationships to other data classes are visualized in the following class diagram.


    direction LR   

    class LogisticsObject{                

    class Organization{        

    class AccessDelegation{
        + hasDescription: xsd:string [0..1]
        + hasPermission[]: Permission [1..*]                
        + isRequestedFor[]: Organization [1..*]
        + notifyRequestStatusChange: xsd:boolean = FALSE
        + hasLogisticsObject[]: LogisticsObject [1..*]        

    AccessDelegation "1" --> "1..*" Permission   
    AccessDelegation "1" --> "1..*" Organization: requestedFor
    AccessDelegation "1" --> "1..*" LogisticsObject

    class ActionRequest {
        + hasError[]: Error [*]
        + isRequestedAt: xsd:dateTime         
        + isRequestedBy: Organization            
        + isRevokedBy: Organization [0..1]
        + hasRequestStatus: RequestStatus = REQUEST_PENDING
        + isRevokedAt: xsd:dateTime [0..1]                 
    ActionRequest <|-- AccessDelegationRequest
    ActionRequest <|-- ChangeRequest
    ActionRequest <|-- SubscriptionRequest

    ActionRequest "1" --> "0..*" Error     
    ActionRequest "1" --> "1..*" Organization : requestedBy    
    ActionRequest --> RequestStatus                
    ActionRequest "1" --> "1..*" Organization : revokedBy

    class AccessDelegationRequest{
        + hasAccessDelegation: AccessDelegation        
    AccessDelegationRequest "1" --> "1" AccessDelegation    

    class ChangeRequest{        
        + hasChange: Change        
    ChangeRequest "1" --> "1" Change

    class SubscriptionRequest{
        + hasSubscription: Subscription
    SubscriptionRequest "1" --> "1" Subscription

    class VerificationRequest{
        + hasVerification: Verification
    VerificationRequest"1" --> "1" Verification

    class Change{    
        + hasDescription: xsd:string [0..1]    
        + hasOperation[]: Operation [1..*]        
        + hasLogisticsObject: LogisticsObject
        + hasRevision: xsd:positiveInteger        
        + notifyRequestStatusChange: xsd:boolean = FALSE
    Change "1" --> "1" LogisticsObject
    Change "1" --> "1..*" Operation

    class Subscription{        
        + hasContentType[]: xsd:string [*]
        + hasDescription: xsd:string [0..1]
        + expiresAt: xsd:dateTime [0..1]                                
        + hasSubscriber: Organization        
        + hasTopicType: TopicType
        + notifyRequestStatusChange: xsd:boolean = FALSE          
        + sendLogisticsObjectBody: xsd:boolean = FALSE        
        + includeSubscriptionEventType[]: SubscriptionEventType [1..*]
        + hasTopic: xsd:anyURI        
    Subscription "1" --> "1" Organization: hasSubscriber
    Subscription --> TopicType
    Subscription "1" --> "1..*" SubscriptionEventType

    class Verification{      
        + hasLogisticsObject: LogisticsObject
        + hasError[]: Error[1..*]        
        + hasRevision: xsd:positiveInteger        
        + notifyRequestStatusChange: xsd:boolean = FALSE
    Verification "1" --> "1" LogisticsObject
    Verification "1" --> "1..*" Error

    class RequestStatus{

    class SubscriptionEventType{


Get Action Request Details


 GET {{baseURL}}/action-requests/{{actionRequestId}}


The following HTTP header parameters MUST be present in the request:

Header Description Examples
Accept The content type that a ONE Record client wants the HTTP response to be formatted in. This SHOULD include the version of the ONE Record API, otherwise the latest supported ONE Record API MAY be applied.
  • application/ld+json
  • application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
  • application/ld+json; version=1.2


A successful request MUST return a HTTP/1.1 200 OK status code. The body of the response includes the Action Request in the RDF serialization format that has been requested in the Accept header of the request.

The following HTTP headers parameters MUST be present in the response:

Header Description Example
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. application/ld+json
Content-Language Describes the language(s) for which the requested resource is intended. en-US
Type The type of the Action Request as a URI
Last-Modified he date and time of the most recent change to the Action Request. Syntax: Last-Modified: <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> GMT. See Tue, 21 Feb 2023 07:28:00 GMT

The following HTTP status codes MUST be supported:

Code Description Response body
200 The request to retrieve the Action Request has been successful Action Request
301 The URI of the Action Request has permanently changed. No response body
302 The URI of the Action Request has temporarily moved. No response body
401 Not authenticated Error
403 Not authorized to retrieve the Action Request Error
404 Action Request not found Error
415 Unsupported Content Type Error
500 Internal Server Error Error


To engage with the "Get Action Request Details" endpoint, a client needs proper authentication and authorization to access the designated resource. If requests lack proper authentication, the ONE Record server should respond with a 401 "Not Authenticated" status. Conversely, for requests without proper authorization, a 403 "Not Authorized" response should be provided.

Example A1

Each SubscriptionRequest MUST have a URI that can be accessed by the requestor (subscriber) and the publisher to obtain the current status of the request and subscription details.


GET /action-requests/599fea49-7287-42af-b441-1fa618d2aaed HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Content-Language: en-US
Last-Modified: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 07:28:00 GMT

    "@context": {
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:SubscriptionRequest",
    "@id": "",
    "api:hasSubscription": {
        "@type": "api:Subscription",
        "@id": "internal:84891422-0215-519b-b551-bfb41d0519cd",
        "api:hasContentType": "application/ld+json",
        "api:hasSubscriber": {
            "@id": ""
        "api:hasTopicType": {
            "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER"
        "api:includeSubscriptionEventType": [
                "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_UPDATED"
                "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_OBJECT_CREATED"
                "@id": "api:LOGISTICS_EVENT_RECEIVED"
        "api:hasTopic": {
            "@type": "",
            "@value": ""
    "api:isRequestedBy": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasRequestStatus": {
        "@id": "api:REQUEST_PENDING"
    "api:isRequestedAt": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "2023-04-20T10:38:01.000Z"

Example A2

After requesting a Verification of a LogisticsObject (see Example A1 in Verifications), the requestor can retrieve the VerificationRequest to check the status.


GET /action-requests/e4cf1ea5-96fc-4025-be21-159b779e3200 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Content-Language: en-US
Last-Modified: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 10:45:00 GMT

             "api:hasTitle":"Empty goodsDescription. Please use goodsDescription to specify the description of the cargo",
                   "@value":"https: //",
          "@type":"http: //",

Update an Action Request

This API action can be used the holder/publisher of a Logistics Object to approve or reject a pending ActionRequest.

For example, as a publisher, this API action is used to change the status of a received Subscription Request on a ONE Record server using the PATCH HTTP method.


Although the updating the state of of a Subscription Request is specified in the ONE Record API specification, it is not required to expose an API endpoint for this API action to be compliant with the ONE Record standard. The reason for this is that only the holder of the logistics object MAY accept or reject a subscription request with any business logic or technology.

Nevertheless, this API action specification is included for reference, because in many cases, the use of HTTP PATCH is the preferred solution to update resources with REST APIs.


 PATCH {{baseURL}}/action-requests/{{actionRequestId}}


The following query parameters MUST be supported:

Query parameter Description Valid values
status A parameter used to configure the status of an Action request. This operation modifies the status of the Action Request based on the value specified in the status parameter.

The following HTTP header parameters MUST be present in the request:

Header Description Examples
Accept The content type that a ONE Record client wants the HTTP response to be formatted in. This SHOULD include the version of the ONE Record API, otherwise the latest supported ONE Record API MAY be applied.
  • application/ld+json
  • application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
  • application/ld+json; version=1.2
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body.
  • application/ld+json
  • application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
  • application/ld+json; version=1.2


A successful request MUST return a HTTP/1.1 204 No Content status code and the following HTTP headers parameters MUST be present in the response:

Header Description Example
Location The URI of the Action Request
Type The type of the Action Request as a URI

Otherwise, an Error object with ErrorDetail as response body MUST be returned with the following HTTP headers:

Header Description Example
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. application/ld+json
Content-Language Describes the language(s) for which the requested resource is intended. en-US

The following HTTP status codes MUST be supported:

Code Description Response body
204 The Action Request was successfully updated No body required
400 The update request body is invalid Error
401 Not authenticated Error
403 Not authorized to update the Action Request Error
404 Action Request not found Error
415 Unsupported Content Type, response when the client sends a PATCH document format that the server does not support for the resource identified by the Request-URI. Error
422 Unprocessable request, when the server understands the PATCH document and the syntax of the PATCH document appears to be valid, but the server is incapable of processing the request. Error
500 Internal Server Error Error


Access to the Action Request update endpoint should be restricted to internal usage only, and it must not be made available to external entities.

Example B1


PATCH /action-requests/733ed391-ad11-4c02-a2bf-c77ee7997c28?status= HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

Revoke Action Request

This API action MUST be used to revoke an Action Request MUST be revoked only by the original requestor of the ActionRequest or the holder/publisher of the Logistics Object.


 DELETE {{baseURL}}/action-requests/{{actionRequestId}}


Revoking an Action Rquest does not require any mandatory HTTP headers.


A successful request MUST return a HTTP/1.1 204 No Content status code.

The following HTTP status codes MUST be supported:

Code Description Response body
204 The Action Request was successfully deleted No body required
401 Not authenticated Error
403 Not authorized to update the Action Request Error
404 Action Request not found Error
500 Internal Server Error Error


To engage with the "Revoke Action Request" endpoint, a client needs proper authentication and authorization to access the designated resource. If requests lack proper authentication, the ONE Record server should respond with a 401 "Not Authenticated" status. Conversely, for requests without proper authorization, a 403 "Not Authorized" response should be provided.

Example C1


DELETE /action-requests/449661ee-fecf-465d-8eae-15bdaccb7080 HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content